The Sachaca Art Center of SAC is the first artist residence in the Peruvian jungle – it is a center for the preservation of indigenous art and the development of contemporary art forms, as well as the promotion of environmental awareness.
· To provide an affordable creative space and accommodations for sculptors, painters, musicians, ceramicists, textile artists, writers, and dancers, etc.
· To organize exhibitions, cinema, discussions, fairs, street art, music, dance and other creative activities.
· We aspire to respect mother nature and be conscious of this in all our activities. This means we believe in recycling and are against pollution and the use of chemicals that will damage our rivers.
· To look for alternative ways of creativity that do not harm Mother Earth.
· To learn and exchange creative ideas with the native chazutinos and kechwa lamistas.
At present SAC is promoting cultural activities in the province of Lamas with the support of the Cultural Project of San Martin and the Municipality of Lamas. For the year 2012, various artistic and cultural events have been programmed under the name of Madre Selva (Mother Jungle).
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